Nauset Bandstand - #89, print


Nauset Bandstand - #89, print



13x19 (20x26 matted) print

Free concerts at the Nauset Beach bandstand draw big crowds each summer. On Cape Cod, young and old alike love this seaside attraction. 

One Cape Codder says he remembers the bandstand in the 1920s being located near The Snow Library where Friendly's Market is now. Later it was moved to the ball field at Eldredge Park. In the early sixties when The Cape Cod Baseball League was established, the bandstand was moved to Nauset Beach where it now resides.

Karen painted this picture for The Orleans Chamber of Commerce so that they could raffle the original and use the image for the program for "Pops in The Park," a musical production hosted by The Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra at Eldredge Park for hundreds of people. The proceeds from this event are used annually for a $10,000 scholarship for a deserving student.

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