Cotuit Harbor - #99, Card


Cotuit Harbor - #99, Card


#99 Watercolor

card - $3.00

Cotuit is an Indian name meaning long fields or planting fields.  Sachem Paupemtuck of the South Sea Indians sold the land in mid-seventeenth century to John Alden for the princely price of two brass kettles and a hoe. It was from this that the Kettlers, the Cotuit baseball team was named.

The town took off between 1840 and 1900 based on oysters and shipbuilding with farming of course, as the nutritional backbone of the community.  It's not "COT-you-wit" by the way, but "ka-TOO-it".

You can imagine those century-ago times by looking at Karen's harbor landscape.

Cape Cod artist Karen North Wells has painted many harbor views, adding this one to her cards and prints which can be found in many bookstores and gift shops around Cape Cod and at the Underground Art Gallery in Brewster.

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